Well, as predicted, the last two gigs were crackers. The Leech Bleeders were barmy as usual, Incisions from Manchester get better and better each time i see them and are rapidly becoming a massive band, Watch them go big time in the near future, top lads as well.
Pizza Tramp..... What can i say that hasn't already been said about this band... I think that they are the biggest unsigned band in the UK at the moment. Every song is killer, they are tighter than a ducks ass, despite the fantastic input of onstage Rum, escaping hats and Dead Mob singing Town Clown for 75th time!! One thing you can say about Pizza Tramp is that they are definitely not Rock Stars which is ace to see. Drummer Danny Banger told me he hated headlining. I told him he had better get used to it the way they are going and its true. PT will be our new overlords in the future. Jim will be the PM, Sam will be Minister in charge of Mullets and Danny will turn down the role of Foreign Secretary as it involves a bit too much travelling innit. They had time for everyone and were as entertaining as ever. Nice one Lads.
The Sunday saw us play Mental Fest in aid of the PAPYRUS charity. It was a mixed line up with punk, metal and rock bands along with singer song writers and guest speakers, all raising money for prevention of suicide in Young people. It was a massive honour to be involved and Big Ups to Human Canvas Tattoo for organising it, MMH radio for interviewing us., Damian John Photo and StageDive photography for taking some awesome pics and to all the PunchBag crew that came and saw us play this weekend.
Next Up for us is Punx against Cancer in Sheffield. RESPEC! - Neil